Friday, May 14, 2010

Future Is Bright

The Future Is Bright

After reading The Lone Star Debate blog about the past A.I.S.D. district 6 election I feel like the future of Austin is pretty bright. I really find it refreshing that someone of a younger generation is getting into a subject that should actually be near and dear to all of us. Especially someone like myself who has children. Alice G's article is very informative and she provides great links to her sources. I went to the two links she provided and read up on the two candidates that are running for south Austin District 6 school board, the incumbent and the challenger. The incumbent is Lori Moya who has held the position for the past four years. The challenger is Glen P. Mayes.
The part I really enjoyed is the fact that Alice G. really gives a sound reasoning for her choice in candidate. You really get a sense that she cares about what is happening in her community. I think if we had more people like Alice G. we would start seeing results around us immediately. I agree with your opinion, and I wish we did have more people like you.

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