How Should We Feel?
Now that there is a movie, just about everyone knows who former Texas Representative Charlie Wilson was. Like so many others I have to admit that I did not know who he was until the movie came out with Tom Hanks acting as Charlie Wilson. Myself and so many others can honestly blame our age, and modern day history classes for not teaching us about Mr. Wilson's accomplishments. When you see the movie and read the articles about his life you realize he did a great thing. Charlie Wilson helped the people of Afghanistan at a time when the Russian army was wiping them out. The people of Afghanistan where using very primitive weapons against the Russian's gunship helicopter the Mil Mi-24. As a member of the House Appropriations Committee, Charlie Wilson was able to secure funds to help arm and train the Afghanistan people. U.S Defense Secretary Robert Gates said "Wilson's efforts and exploits helped repel an invader, liberate a people, and bring the Cold War to a close".(Austin American Statesman)
It is said that thanks to Representative Charlie Wilson and his efforts to help the people of Afghanistan, he also aided in the fall of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union was under economis stress, and the war in Afghanistan only depleated them further. After the Soviet Union pulled out of Afghanistan, Representative Charlie Wilson tried to secure more funds for the war torn country to no avail. With the absence of strong government and no support from foreign aid, Afghanistan was left wide open to occupation by the al-Qaida.
In my opinion Representative Charlie Wilson was a the model of a good old boy. I think he fits in to not just Texas Politics, but also into the United States and our current situation. I really feel that the article(link below) helps to give background on Charlie Wilson and it shows other's opinions of him. If you ask me, Texas has lost someone special.
Former Texas Rep.Charlie Wilson dies at 76
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