-Governor Rick Perry performed the state's first postuhumous pardon.
This is very well possibly the best thing I think I have heard of Governor Rick Perry doing. I am not sure I can recall the last time he did anything good that was that note worthy. To be honest though I really do not believe he deserves all the credit. Perry grants state's first posthumous pardon, is the way the article reads in the Austin American Statesman and I think it should have said more about the little people who really pushed to have this clarified by the Attorney General. Let's be real, there is no way that the governor has had time to work on getting this done. He has been way to busy with the election. I think this is an article with a little slant on it. I think they are trying to give extra credibility to Governor Rick Perry in a election year. I really think that if this was not an election year that this would be more about the people who really pushed for the clarification on the pardon law. The article tries to make it like Perry did all that he could with in his powers to clear all this up. I think they just really want to paint our governor as sympathatic, kind, and in a forgiving light so that maybe Texans will be the same way and elect him again. This is rediculous, if my child was wrongly accused of rape and was innocent and died in prison, you bet your bottom dollar I would expect a phone call from my current governor to apologize for the wrong to my family. So when the article tries to make it out like he is "all that", I just have a problem trying to swallow that pill.
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